How we define something or someone is how we label them. So why should we expect more than that label from our animals?

Why ReDefining?

In our time working with horses, especially with rescue horses, we have found that many of them are confined by the stories that are told about them. People create these definitions of who a horse is and then tells everyone else the definition. This horse is then treated as if they are this thing, even when they might not be. So many horses get labeled as a “bad horse” a “lazy horse” a “mean horse” and are treated as such. We want to help ReDefine horses in our care to be themselves as they are, instead of the labels they are given.

The definition of horse is:

   “a large plant-eating domesticated mammal with solid hoofs and a flowing mane and tail, used for riding, racing, and to carry and pull loads.”

   We ask if this is really all a horse is? They can do so much more than carry and pull loads, or be ridden. What we strive to do is help horses to show us what they wish to be defined as.

What we do:

It starts with getting to know the individual horse without any information about what others think of them. We take our time one on one with the horse in various settings to see how they respond to us as well as other animals, horses, and people. Then we will begin connecting with the horse, showing them respect and trust to help the horse show and define what their boundaries are. We move at a pace that it set by the horse instead of humans. We only ask of the horse things to improve their wellbeing and state of mind, while helping resolve issues they have been labeled with.

Our team is certified in Animal Reiki, plus trained in Animal Communication and energy work. We use a combination of all three, as well as years of equine experience in our ReDefining Program. We have studied the works of Dr. Susan Fay, Rupert Isaacson, the Masterson Method, as well as a verity of more localized specialty techniques.

The Plan:

Once the horse and caretaker have gone through an assessment period, we will work with the caretaker to come up with a goal for the horse and themselves. This could be that the horse shows a desire to do work to build up to being ridden more, or to do different types of “traditional” work. Or perhaps this is a horse who needs to do coaching and connection work. We then move forward in a way that is lead by the horse to accomplish goals.

Should a horse’s needs go beyond what we can provide, we will discuss this with the horse’s caretaker and give suggestions for additional care and specialists.


Life Coaching

