Do you want to do more than just escape?

Our Weekend Retreats are designed for two or more people to spend their time diving deep into who they are separately and together.

What is a Weekend Retreat?

Hand & Hoof Haven has created Weekend Retreats to provide an intensive three days of self-work and self-growth. Like all we do here, the Retreats are client led and how your weekend goes is very dependent on what you need! The Retreats can be for a couple, or family or small group looking to create closer relationships and understanding of themselves and each other. Each Retreat is unique to the clients and will all include: multiple individual and group life coaching sessions, multiple tranquility sessions, multiple reiki sessions and/or meditation classes, and group breakfast and lunches. We are lucky to be able to offer rooms for our Retreat guests here at Spiegel Farm where you will be able to wake up to see horses happily grazing along with the local herd of deer who make appearances in the morning and evening.

Retreat Activities

Life Coaching

In Life Coaching, we help people who feel stuck move towards their goals. This is a client led process to overcome challenges, improve well-being, create positive change, and accomplish client created goals. Our Life Coaches come together to do group sessions. This may or may not include horses or other animals based on the client’s needs and desire.

Tranquility Time

So many of us spend days at desks, in cars, and being pushed to perform. Science has shown that being in a natural setting can help us to lower our stress levels. Tranquility Time is made to allow you space to find the peace within nature. These can also include learning meditation skills and ways to find your tranquility in daily life.


Reiki is a type of energy work in which the Reiki practitioner (who has undergone formal training) uses gentle hand movements with meditative intention to guide the flow of healthy energy through the client’s body.

Meditation Classes

We offer clients the opportunity to take individual or group classes on different types of meditation techniques. Not every person can meditate in the same way, some of us struggle with the idea of settling into just breathing. Our meditation classes include walking meditation, where we are outside in nature, using the peace of our world to help bring us into a mediative state.

Add an adventure!

We know that each group has individual needs, so in addition to the items above that are included in every Retreat, we offer the below as add on options:

Visit Tryon International Equestrian Center

This world class center hosts a number of amazing events. If you come on a weekend where there are horse shows happening this could be a fantastic addition to your Retreat.

Day trip to the mountains

We love how close we are to the mountains here in the Upstate of South Carolina. If your group loves being out in the trees and fresh mountain air, then add a day trip to our beautiful section of the Appalachian Mountains!

Special Events

There is almost always something going on in our area! When you are deciding on dates for your Retreat we will include a list of special events that your group may enjoy to add. There are also museums, theatres, gardens and so many more places that could be added. Let us know your interests when booking and we will send you information on various options.

Schedule a time to discuss your retreat goals on our appointments page!


Tranquility Hours


Farm Days